Monday, October 7, 2013

Battleground Thoughts (Pros & Cons) and Meeting Mick Foley!

Well hello again! It's time for ANOTHER blog? Or post? Whatever again that's not important. I'm here to talk about some topics about Battleground and just some topics today. So let's begin shall we?

Battleground Thoughts *Pros & Cons List In The End* 
I'm actually going to say this PPV was decent. But we all KNEW it was going to be a filler. In the end it basically was just another "RAW" we payed 40-60 bucks. I'm not going to bad mouth the PPV saying "It was terrible!" "I'm never going to order/watch WWE AGAIN" yada yada all that stuff. I'm just flat out saying it was decent. Don't bad mouth a PPV just BECAUSE of the ending. I'll admit the ending did get me mad to the point I scared my neighbors.. (Sorry neighbors I'm going to make some oatmeal cookies...going to go get them out of the store *cough* oven I mean) but I actually was like "Big Show stay out of the ring" mode. I literally was like screaming. I guess that also happens when you watch wrestling right after watching a soap ope-. Moving on, but it was a good PPV for me. Also the Divas Match wasn't as bad as everyone said. I liked it. It did get me with those 2 counts. And the WHC I wasn't really interested in since again the World Title really means nothing sadly all thanks to Alberto. I'm not a hater on ADR but not a fan of him I do believe he is great in the ring but he just injured too many people this year alone. So I'm not really a fan of his but not a hater to the point I bash everything on him and believe it or not that's coming from me (since WWE is going with ADR trying to make him the hero for people who are hispanic. Which I am so its coming from me that's why it might be a shock :P Wait that doesn't matter so just completely ignore this ). But moment of the night for ME would have to be Goldie (see ya in November hopefully!) and Cody vs Shield. Excellent match. Bravo. So for ME the ones that stole the show were the Rhodes Family, AJ,Ziggler (he made the best out of being in the preshow) and there is probably Bryan and Orton and Cesaro aswell. But yeah..

Cesaro Swing! That's all that needs to be said!
Photo Credit: WWE

AJ Retaining, I was very worried that WWE was going to give the Championship to Brie. No offence to them but I think we need someone new and to me that would be like one of the NXT divas. But I just think we need someone new. I'm glad AJ is still champ but she shouldn't drop it to 'Total Divas' but that's just me.

Photo Credit: WWE
The Inconclusive Ending,
I know 'big shock' that this was a pro and NOT in the cons. I've admitted I was mad but I KNEW they would do something to make the feud last until Hell In A Cell. And that's just EXACTLY what they did. I mean yeah some *cough* a lot *cough* are pissed off because of the ending and WWE is probably losing money due to the refunds. But I mean THAT is what they wanted to do and NOT want to do. They wanted the EXCITEMENT, they wanted us mad at the finish but they didn't (and never) want refunds. So in the end it was good but it came at a price. 
Photo Credit: WWE

Credit: Chris Jericho Invented This Page (on Facebook)
Wyatt Family Looking Strong, Yeah it was a not the best opponent but still Bray proved why they should not be messed with.
Photo Credit: WWE
Rhodes Family Standing Strong and Back With Their Jobs, Ok I promise this is the last pro. And start with the con list. But I mean their match was awesome even if it was for like what 15 minutes? Amazing. I figured Rhodes Family would win but I still didn't know HOW they would win. And they didn't fail to live up the hype. Just amazing match. Bravo and see ya in November Goldie hopefully! 
Photo Credit: WWE 

WWE Loses PPV Feed, That pissed off everyone in the world. The world went crazy saying they can't see the PPV and everything. My twitter and facebook went crazy when the feed cut out. And bunch of people probably have/are calling for a refund as I type this and as you're reading this. 

The Inconclusive Ending, Ahh you thought I wasn't going to mention this didn't you ;). Hehe well like I said earlier it was good but came at a price. I'm not going to really say WHY I put this in the Cons list since I basically said why on the Pros list. But it did come at a price and is probably costing WWE money because of the refunds. And everyone is still talking how upset they are.

No Cash In. (No more photos right now) I mean it was hyped which then we all knew Sandow wasn't going to cash in but to be honest it would've made it an exciting moment. 

Meeting Mick Foley 
Ok so after that Looooooong discussion on Battleground we have now moved on to our next topic (won't be as long I promise) I got to admit if Foley is going to do a show near you, GO to it. I had a great time even if I had to drive 2 hours. But it was fun. Just amazing. He was hilarious just plain amazing. And of course he was so excited to have been Corpus Christi (see what I did there ;) ) He was just plain amazing. And then also to have Mr. Terry Funk there was awesome. I even walked next to him on the street and I didn't even know. He had his hat like covering up his eyes and face so I couldn't tell. But it was awesome. Shame I didn't get to meet him but still was awesome. He also was hilarious during the Q&A. He kept taking the mic from Mick. :P 

He is just amazing to meet. It was just plain awesome to meet him. I really recommend going to his show. 

Ok so I had more topics but I didn't want this to be too long but I did fail so I'm just going to leave it here. But I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will be live tweeting tonight during RAW so go follow me on twitter @RealHBKG and might post some things on WTM. Not sure but I will be live tweeting. ;) 

There Dylan. Did you like that? 


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